Sunday, December 7, 2008

Here I am!

I've been lazy in my blogging this weekend, but only because I've been busy, busy, busy! I'm sure no one is surprised to hear that. December is notoriously hectic, but I love it. I love the lights and the music and...well, everything!

Yesterday was my debut concert with my choir. We sang five songs with the Scarborough Symphony orchestra at their concert. I wish I could say it was awesome. I wish I could say that I loved every minute of it. Instead, I will just say that it was long. We had an afternoon rehearsal and then had to wait around for almost four hours before the concert even began. (We didn't bother going home, since we had to be back an hour before the concert began.) And then, while we were singing our second last song in the show, one of the older women in the choir FAINTED! Right at my feet. It was awful. And concert etiquette is to JUST KEEP GOING! Isn't that insane? She was okay, though. And I was okay, too, when I finally made it home after 11 p.m. (I left home just after 1 p.m.)

But in money news, I found my phone!! It was on the floor of the back seat of the car. Phew!

AND I finally got my Google Adsense cheque!! All of you and your clicks helped me earn $147! I'm going to put it in my account tomorrow and then put it towards my tax goal.

Oh, and I managed to put a decent chunk of my paycheck towards my tax goal, too, so it's coming along.

Also, I think the one wayward freelancing cheque might actually arrive in my mailbox this week. They didn't have my full address.

But even more exciting than all of that - we have a Christmas tree!! It smells fantastic. Tomorrow night after work we will decorate and bring the holiday into our home. It's about time!!

Tax goal: $2000
Current balance: $500
Spent Friday, Saturday, Sunday: $87

Wait, one more thing! It was a good weekend for loyalty points. We got $20 off of our groceries and I got $25 off at the drugstore. Bring it on!!

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