Then you add the lights. Thankfully I put them away neatly every year so that they aren't a tangled mess that requires an hour and a bottle of wine to deal with. Look how pretty!
Next comes some ribbon and the simple ornaments. The big green and bronze balls are Martha Stewart ornaments. I love them. They were so popular a few years ago when we bought them that we had to take some of them right off a display tree in Sears!
Then it's time for the fun ornaments. This is my box of stuff. The little apples, of which I have many, were the very first Christmas ornaments I ever bought for myself.
Daphne is very helpful, of course, provided we ply her with cookies and only ask her to lay on top of things we need to use.
Here are a few of my favourite ornaments. The Santa that the DP bought me in Scotland the first Christmas we were together.
One of the wooden ornaments that my family bought while we lived in Germany.
Some crafts from my childhood. This smurf is inside an eggshell that is covered with sparkles!
The DP's favourite funky ornaments. There's something both beautiful and yet totally sci-fi about these ones.
And, of course, Superman. My lovely friend's children bought these for the DP.
Then the DP adds our ragtag angel to the top. (It's good to have a tall guy around.)
Et voila!
Just 10 days to go!
Tax goal: $2000
Current balance: $1045
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