Friday, June 19, 2009

A tasty new perspective

This book is completely changing the way I think about food. I don't want to overstate it, but it's blowing my mind! Seriously, I have been reading it on the subway and have to fight the urge to turn to the stranger sitting next to me and say things like, "Excuse me, but were you aware that until 1973 all the processed food full of questionable chemicals actually had to have the word 'imitation' on the label?" or "I don't want to bother you, but isn't it crazy that we'd have to eat three apples today to get the nutritional equivalent of one apple from 1963, because the soil that the apple trees are grown in today is fertilized with industrial fertilizer?" The stuff I'm learning is shocking, but the crazy part is that it all made sense to me right away. Obviously I was well aware that the long list of unpronounceable ingredients in processed foods was a bad thing, but until I started reading this book, I still thought of it all as food. But it isn't. Not really.

And while I haven't frantically gone through my pantry and tossed out all the crap, I'm definitely not adding any more crap to my grocery cart either. Because I've seen the light!

And now I really need to see this:


Arlene said...

Hey Tam,
There was nothing attached to see.

Tammy said...

It's a movie preview and it totally works on my computer! Strange... Here's an alternative link:

Jodie said...

I saw Fast Food Nation in the theatre - very disturbing stuff.

Crissy Calhoun said...

I read this book a bit ago & went on a healthy eating spree -- trying to eat actual food only -- and now well... time for me to re-read it! it's such a good book. are you going to read his other stuff? (i have not. yet.)

Tammy said...

I haven't read anything else by him yet, but I'm going to! Yesterday I picked up some to-go sushi, thinking I was making a healthy choice, and then noticed that high fructose corn syrup was one of the first ingredients!!! What have we done to our food, I ask you?

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