Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sweet treats and sweeter people

I just returned home from a date with five wonderful women in my life and I am left with a warm glow. There's just nothing like girlfriends! I feel bad for men that they will most likely never know the feeling that I am feeling. I'm sure that they have version of this feeling, but I also feel fairly confident that it can't compete. Although they would probably say the same thing about their brotherly love.

Anyway, one of my beautiful friends is trying to work through something in her life and she reached out to us by laying her own heart on the table and then asked us each to do the same, so that she might benefit from our experiences. It was an interesting and illuminating experiment. There were so many things that overlapped in all of our stories, but also those amazing gems that were unique to each of us. And it was remarkably humbling to be asked in such a direct manner, which surprised me, because I present my opinion so often without any sort of invitation! I hope we gave her food for thought and that she'll digest it and then follow her own path. Because that's what life is all about in the end.

Along with all the soul-filling girl talk, I consumed a big piece of chocolate pecan pie on an empty stomach post-workout. And I think that explains my headache and tummy pain. Perhaps a bit of solid food is in order and then to bed I go.


Jodie said...

Sounds like you had a great time! Was this a "girls night" that I missed? You know - sometimes it really sucks being so far away.

Tammy said...

This was a different group. I'm very lucky to have lots of girls in my life. And I know that you missed your Selkirk girls when you were here, so you have to remember to enjoy what you have when you have it. But we miss you during "girls nights" as well.

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