Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So far, so good

First weigh-in bright and early this morning. (Vivi is a 6pm to 6am girl, with usually one nighttime waking these days, so no sleeping in for Mommy!)

My current weight is: 174 lbs

That's about 25 lbs more than I weighed when I got pregnant and about 35 lbs more than I'd like to weigh. But this isn't all about the numbers! First tangible goal is to get my wedding rings on once more. I can put each of them on separately, although not comfortably, but I can't seem to squish them on together.

Also, just to fill you all in, I am following WW, but not the latest and greatest version of it. (Free fruit! Sounds amazing!!) The only reason I'm hanging out in the Flex Points system is because I have all the stuff, including those little sliding scales that figure out how many points something is worth and some of the old info books.

I am still breastfeeding, so that gets me a bunch more points. (Yay!) And I am back at the gym (more on that soon), so I'll be earning-and most likely eating-activity points, too. Also, for those of you who aren't familiar with how the WW works, you get a bank of 35 points to use whenever you want during the week.

Here's how the first day played out:

Points target: 32
Activity earned: 6
Daily total: 37
Flex points bank: 35

Good start, I'd say!

Celebrity mom inspiration:

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