Monday, July 4, 2011

Project Yummy Mummy

It's time to talk about the baby weight. Let's start at the beginning.

I was not one of those people who could wear a little extender on her jeans and put off buying maternity clothes until the third trimester. Not at all. In fact, I bought a couple pairs of maternity jeans before I even got around to spreading the news! So at my first OBGyn appointment I asked the nurse, who you see first, if I should worry about weight. She gave me a little lecture saying not to stress about it, just eat healthy food and they would touch base with me if things got out of control.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

As someone who's never been medically overweight, I've still erred on the side of curvy rather than svelte and spent a great deal of time trying to sway the results in the other direction. I was looking forward to not being fixated on the scale for a while.

Then the doctor came in. I didn't bother to ask the question again, but he took it upon himself to bring the subject up. His lecture was about how I shouldn't gain too much! Here's the kicker - he didn't reference the health of me or my baby in his warning. He only said that I'd have a harder time losing it. It was all about aesthetics.

In case there was any question, I chose to listen to the nurse. But the assholey doctor was right.

In a few days, my little one will be seven months old already. The baby weight that was supposed to just magically disappear through breastfeeding and pushing a stroller through the neighbourhood has remained firmly in place. Not that I'm not to blame! I think the people who promised me it would be easy thoroughly underestimated my commitment to croissant sampling and fatigue-induced carb binges. There was also that succession of chocolate-eating holidays (Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter) that fell during the earliest and most challenging (so far!) days.

But now I'm ready to pay attention to the scale once again. If only so I can stop wearing those same maternity jeans that I first bought. Other non-scale goals include:

- Wearing my wedding rings again (I'm so close! And I miss them.)
- Getting some professional shots of the family (Not so keen on full-length photos of myself at the moment.)
- Wearing all those other clothes in my wardrobe (They will seem like new again after all this time!)

Most importantly, I want to be a strong, healthy example for my daughter. And that means NOT having breakfast dessert. (Yes, you read that right.)

I'm going to use this space to work toward my goal, much like I used it originally to pay off my debt! Starting tomorrow, I'm going to weigh myself and post the number. (Gah!) Then I'm going to follow trusty old Weight Watchers, meaning I'll post how many points I have each day and how many I use. You guys will be my community, because I can't bring myself to go back to WW meetings. When you've done the program a couple of times, which I have, you cannot sit through the same lesson on how to order at a restaurant or deal with saboteurs. You just can't.

I've been thinking about doing this for a while, but have felt weird about being open and vulnerable about this online. But I need some support. And you guys were SO instrumental in helping me with my debt! Therefore... here we go...


Acadian Librarian said...

I think you look fab no matter what. I truly don't think the number on the scale tells the whole story (at my thinnest I was very, very unhealthy) but if you want support to help make changes to you fuel and care for your body well I am here for you. The sugar and refined foods do not serve any of us. Weight training has a lot of value (esp as we age).

Have you tried Spark People? It's not points based but it's a free online tracker of food and exercise (with an account you can track long term and there is community stuff, exercise routines and so on). I've used it and it was an eye opener about portions and such.

Here's to you becoming the best YOU that Vivi, Jame and you all deserve :)

Tammy said...

Thanks Carly! I will take all the cheerleading I can get!

Jodie said...

I'm with you Tamtuk! For my own reasons I am trying really hard to get healthy. I am using Spark People - and find it incredibly helpful. As opposed to WW, Spark breaks down your nutritional components for the day; I learned that I don't get nearly enough FAT in my diet - imagine that! Anyway, whatever you choose to do, you have my support - and I think you look fantastic. :)

Paronomaniac said...

You can do it! Just start bench pressing that beautiful wee daughter of yours and you'll be in shape in no time!

Arlene said...

Hey Tam... A month ago, I returned to Weight Watchers. I so understand the business about hearing the same old lectures, etc, because this is like the kajillionth time I've joined, but somehow I'm sticking with it this time. So far.
Anyhoo, wanted to tell you that the WW program has changed somewhat in that ALL FRUIT IS NOW FREE (except avocado), even bananas!!! And they now calculate the points based on carbs, protein, fat, and fibre. They don't worry about calories anymore. I find the program is the best one out there, although I haven't checked out Spark People as two of your friends have suggested.
So MORE POWER TO YA!! You'll do it, you'll feel great, and you'll have a whole new wardrobe before you even realize it!!!! Love ♥

Tammy said...

Thanks so much everyone!

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