Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Wedding - Part Five

I know I already mentioned them, but I loved them so much that I feel compelled to write a whole post about them: the flowers! I gave my dear friend one inspiration picture, a list of what we needed and a cheque back in the summer. Being the amazing designer that he is, he asked us what we didn't want. (I didn't even think of that!) And then, I went about my life. I checked "flowers" off my list of things to worry about, because I know him and what he's capable of. I knew that I would walk into the room on the day and be blown away. If flowers did come to my mind during the last few months of planning, they were only thought of with anticipation and excitement.

It's so handy to have talented friends! (I should know, because I have A LOT!)

Anyway, I already posted some before and after pics of his house full of flowers and the large arrangements. But this one was my favourite. My bouquet:

A perfect mix of jewel tones - just like I asked for. I never did choose a colour scheme for my wedding. I'm not sure why I ignored this basic step. Maybe because I wasn't planning on having a row of bridesmaids in matching dresses. I told our Best Man and Best Woman to wear whatever they wanted. And originally my Groom was going to wear a white satin tie, to look more weddingy, but the purple tie made his eyes light up at the store, so we went with that. It just so happened that our flower girl and my mom also wore purple, although different shades. And that was okay! Besides, there's something about a multi-coloured, multi-flowered bouquet that just seems more...me.

Ooooo...the close up.

Isn't it ridiculously gorgeous. I'm still trying to keep it alive, although I'm slowly losing the battle.

And the talented designer himself.

We've been friends for almost 15 years now. We've done many shows together, shared countless holidays, lived together, teased each other mercilessly, encouraged each other and grown up together. He's a permanent part of my chosen family in that awesome way that when we see each other, it's like no time has passed. Having him do the flowers meant so much more to me than hiring some strange florist.

So thank you, my friend! I truly loved them.

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