Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Can I have a blog roll, please?

Ah, January. Even when the weather is being unseasonably agreeable, it's still the perfect month to hang out at home in flannel pjs and fuzzy socks, with your favourite pet by your side. It's a good month to bake and drink tea. (Who am I kidding? Every month is a good month to bake and drink tea!) It's a good month to make fewer plans and spend more time just being.

Which makes it a perfect month to read new blogs!

Seriously, I have to tell you guys about a few of my new favourite new blogs. My go-to reads. Because sometimes you just need to pass some time appreciating other people's creativity and handiwork. (Also, for those of you on "resolution budgets," reading blogs is 100% free!)

The first one is Please Let Me Know if You Have Any Questions or Concerns. This is a brand spanking new blog - only two posts as of this writing - by a good friend of mine who is not only a crazy overachiever (I would list all of her amazing accomplishments, but it's January and we all need to hoard whatever post-holiday self-esteem that we have left.), but who also happens to be bee-you-tee-full! Have a read of her clever entries thus far and then keep checking back to see how she's doing on her mission, which is to have 80 postcards sent to her father by his 80th birthday in the fall.

The next one would fall under the beauty blog category. Heapnose explores the world of perfume, but in a wonderfully unique and witty way. The Husband told me about this one - he actually worked with the woman behind the nose at a previous job. I looked it up at his suggestion, even though perfume and I have a complicated relationship. (I love the idea of it and want to have a signature scent, but so much of it just smells really cliché to me and it ALL makes the Husband dissolve into sneezing fits.) I fully laughed out loud within moments of reading and have resolved to become a dedicated follower!

If you're a crafty type (or just appreciate others who are crafty, like me), you'll love New Dress a Day This blogger has given herself a challenge a la "Julie and Julia." She's not doing any traditional clothing shopping for an entire year, but instead buying vintage pieces and using her own two hands to transform them into something wearable. Oh, and her entire budget is only $365. I *wish* I had this girl's vision and sewing ability! (Oh, and her figure.) (And maybe her hair!)

I'll add these and some of the other ones to my blog roll. Check them out and bid those January blahs adieu!

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