We seem to have entered a new phase with Vivi. One that isn't exactly enjoyable.
She no longer wants to go to sleep.
Not that she doesn't sleep, thank goodness. She's just having major issues getting to sleep. Last night it took three hours and at least 10 failed attempts to get her down. She'll fall asleep while nursing and stay asleep as we carry her upstairs, but just try and put her down! Forget it!
We rock her, sing to her, let her pacify herself on me. If only she would take an actual pacifier! We've tried four different kinds dozens of times. At all different times of the day. She makes this face like we're giving her tree bark to suck on. And then she spits it out.
And now her getting to sleep issues have extended to nap time.
This morning she screamed for almost two hours straight, clearly exhausted. Even worse was that none of the normal soothing methods would work. She wouldn't even take the boob! And she'll always take the boob! Finally we bundled her up into the car seat, because I had every intention to drive her around to stop the crying, despite the raging snowstorm outside. While I was cleaning off the car, the Husband swung her back and forth in the seat and she suddenly gave up the fight and succumbed to slumber.
What did we do, you ask?
What any smart parent would do. We let her sleep in her car seat for about an hour and a half. There was no way we were going to move her!
Clearly this is our new normal. I'm trying to remind myself that these phases can't last forever...
If you have any thoughts or ideas, feel free to share them!
(Typed entirely with one hand while nursing!)
1 comment:
ok. a) we had a hard day here today. b) just give in and meet her needs as they come up/change...cause they will always change. and the bawling is definitely a vicious cycle of cry=boob=gas=need to pass gas=over-tired since you miss the sleep window getting the gas out....you and vivi are not alone!!!
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