Friday, August 13, 2010

I heart movie trailers

Can we talk about how...well... lovely this movie looks?

Movie trailers are so full of promise. They are one of my favourite things about going to a movie (I would never miss the trailers) and I'm so very glad that the world has evolved to the point that I can watch them whenever I want, in the comfort of my own home, without having to buy overpriced snacks.

One of my secret dream jobs is to be the person that gets to edit movie trailers together. Despite my lack of film experience, I can't help but think that the basics of good editing would translate from the page to the screen. Mmmm... third career maybe? As long as I don't have to live in LA!

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Tam, that one looks like a two-box-of-tissue movie!!!


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