Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday evening musings

*I've got my iPod on shuffle as I write this post, so I'll fill you in on the random songs that come up as they come up.

"Birth of the Blues" by Sammy Davis Jr.

Having a fantastic rainy Saturday! After a quick hello phone call with the Husband who is away in Huntington Beach, California, for work, I ventured out for brunch. I've really been trying to expand my repertoire of restaurants in this city, so I suggested a little place called Saving Grace on Dundas St. West. It was a little off the beaten track for me, but nowhere TTC couldn't take me!

"Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones

I walked over from Bathurst in the soupy humid morning and was so pleased to see my lovely brunch companion already waiting for me, even though I was ten minutes early. (Can I just say - I heart people who are early and/or on time. I SO appreciate punctuality!!) As I'd suspected from some online reviews, we had to wait about 15 minutes to get a table in the teeny restaurant, but we were busy catching up so it was all good.

"How Insensitive" by my old friend Leah State!

What I neglected to consider on this incredibly humid morning was that the charming little neighbourhood spot would have neither air conditioning nor a cross-breeze once we were seated! Plus, you know, there was a KITCHEN going full tilt a few feet away. So it was hot. But the food was completely delicious. Oh, the beverages, too! I had blueberry lemonade and my companion had fresh lime soda water that came with a little pitcher of sugar water, so she could sweeten it as much or as little as she wanted. Nice!

"River" by Joni Mitchell (My iPod is feeling low-key, apparently)

Anyway, lovely meal and a stroll through Trinity Bellwoods Park led to some browsing along Queen Street where we stopped in to say hello to a fellow classmate and friend at her place of employment. But it was just so humid that I was happy to come home and park myself in front of the air conditioner for a while.

(Air conditioner installation = a really, really, really good idea!)

Been lazing around since then. Watched two episodes of Friday Night Lights, which is my current television obsession.

"Hlohonolfatsa" by Soweto Gospel Choir

Also had a big old nap, because I felt like it and had nothing so pressing as to get in the way of just going for it. Isn't there something so awesome about being able to give over to fatigue in the middle of the day? Like, most of the time that the feeling hits us, we have to quash it because we're working or something needs to get done, but sometimes you can just enjoy it. Which I did!

"Hard to Say Goodbye" from the musical "Violet"

Other stuff I wanted to catch you up on! We saw five more houses early last week, bringing out total up to 13. Loved about 80% of one of the, including an amazing kitchen and backyard, but the location totally sucked. Not within walking distance to any city conveniences, on an undesirable street and right off a very busy main street. Sigh!

"Closer" by Only By the Night (This is one of those mysterious songs. I don't know what it is or where it came from... Skipping now.
"No More" from "Into the Woods"

I also realized that the house and location are going to have to be pretty terrific in order for me to want to leave our neighbourhood here. I love where we live. I don't love living on the top floor of an apartment building in an apartment that's already a bit small for us, but I love being so close to the subway and the Beltline trail and the whole area. I love being able to walk to three grocery stores and a movie theatre and all sorts of great shops. It's going to be a big transition to leave.

On a more fun note, I went to see some musical theatre this week with a friend that was there every step of the way during my musical theatre years. We saw "Legally Blonde: The Musical."

"Keep Holding On" by the Glee cast

It wasn't a show I ever thought I'd want to pay to see, because I have a chip on my shoulder about musicals based on movies. But we got a really great deal on the tickets, so I thought, why not? I'm so glad we went! I happen to be a fan of the movie, I'm not going to lie. And the show was just as frothy and fun as the movie, with a few genuine laughs and some awesome talent. One actress, the one that plays Brooke Wyndham, belted out an amazing number WHILE JUMPING ROPE THE ENTIRE TIME! Seriously. When I was seeing the personal trainer, I dreaded the few minutes of jumping rope that she would have me do, because it was so hard. And this chick was breezing through it AND singing. Amazing.

"Someone to Watch Over Me" by Frank Sinatra

That's pretty much it over here. Except, of course, the 17 week belly shot:

Also, I SWEAR I have some music on my iPod that would actually be considered current, but apparently it doesn't feel like playing any of it right now!

1 comment:

Crissy Calhoun said...

i second the tastiness of the food, the deliciousness of the fresh lime soda water, and the way-too-stuffy factor of Saving Grace. and i also watched an ep of Friday Night Lights this afternoon!

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