Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gettin' my move on

My one regret about my pregnancy is that I stopped exercising.

Initially I was quite determined not to let this happen. I had lots of good intentions and even subscribed to "Fit Pregnancy" magazine. (My name is Tammy and I am a magazine addict.) Then a combination of factors got in the way. In the early days, while I was still feeling good, an insane work schedule kept me from my lunchtime workouts. Then the fatigue/nausea/hunger set in and I couldn't figure out when to go to the gym when I wasn't a) exhausted, b) feeling disgusting, or c) ravenous or full of recently consumed food. Then I just got bigger and slower and, let's face it, the habit of going to the gym had long left me.

Cue signs of a not-so-active pregnancy, including carpal tunnel that caused me to wear splints at night, back pain requiring a big belly support girdle-thing and just a whole lot of trouble getting around. (I remember needing to get groceries, but not fathoming how I was going to get to the far end of the grocery store for eggs and back again. Not a fun time!)

Thankfully the inactivity didn't hinder delivery, which was altogether easy compared to most stories I've heard.

Then there was a wee baby to take care of and the dead of winter to contend with. December is actually a pretty good time to have a baby, as long as you don't get cabin-fever too badly. By spring I was ready for long walks. Except something wasn't right...

Cue plantar fasciitis. (Nope, not the wart thing. The heel thing.)

Apparently this annoying issue can be a very normal thing caused by pregnancy weight gain (also cute, flat, non-supportive shoes, which is all I wore for the last few months), but I can't help but think I might have avoided it if I hadn't gained so much.

I've been walking for months, despite the intense pain after even a half hour of leisurely hoofing. Also wearing supportive shoes during all my waking hours. (One of the Husband's colleagues said Crocs were good for this, so at home I sport bright blue plastic shoes I wouldn't be caught dead in outside. Cute for kids and fine for gardening, but not exactly the style statement I'm going for. They do, however, make my feet feel good.)

A couple of months ago, I was desperate to incorporate some more activity, so I went out for some walk/run intervals to get back in the swing of things. Only a half hour and nothing insane. Well, when I woke up to pee in the middle of the night, I couldn't put any weight on my bad foot.

So running was out.

All this to say that I started back at the gym last week. They have child-minding, which Vivi seems to quite enjoy so far. (She's an observer, watching what all the other kids are doing.) And I've learned that spinning* doesn't hurt the foot. Weights are good, too! And working out is helping make me feel like myself again. Finally!

Points target: 32
Daily total: 35
Flex points bank: 32

*Could barely keep my legs moving through yesterday's spin class, despite the inspiration of all the very toned bodies around me. Oh, and the pregnant woman in front of me whose due date is TODAY!

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