Monday, July 25, 2011

Aaaaaand... we're back!

Okay, I know that hitting the reset button on a Monday morning is horribly cliché. But clichés exist for a reason. Monday seems like the perfect opportunity for a fresh start!

I made it to the gym this morning after a week off last week. Felt hard, but good.

The gym is having an interesting effect on me. You know how people who lose a lot of weight often say that they still think of themselves as heavy? Well, all the mirrors at the gym are reminding me of the extra weight I'm carrying! We only have a couple of mirrors actually hung in our house at this point (yes, still moving in) and the image of myself that I carry around with me is the pre-pregnancy one. So I am extra motivated to get moving.

Daily target: 32
Daily total: 36
Activity earned: 6
Flex points bank: 35


Erin B said...

Tammy, Tammy, look amazing. You don't get a prize at the end for being not nice to yourself in your head. You're there, you're doing it. You're DOING IT!

Tammy said...

Thanks, Erin! A good reminder. :-)

Red Aloud said...

I am so with you! I want to get in shape before my 40th in October - I will report in starting Monday!

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