Thursday, July 24, 2008

After the laughter

This afternoon, on a packed subway, I overheard a conversation between a couple of young 'uns standing behind me.
She was all: I love yoga.
And he was all: ya.
And she was all: Hot yoga, you know?
And he was all: ya.
And she was all: I go to a class really early on Saturday mornings and then I get my hair done.
And he was all: You get your hair done every Saturday?
And she was all: ya.

And at that point I had to turn around and check her out. I was expecting a waist-length mane, professionally blown out. HER HAIR WAS SHORTER THAN MINE! I so wanted to interrupt them and say - in my best "Grey's Anatomy" voice - Seriously!?

Just got back from the first Just For Laughs gala, this one hosted by Martin Short. One of my lovely friends from high school is a publicist for the festival and she got us my favourite kind of tickets - FREE! The show was super funny. I cried a little from laughing, which always feels good.

Oh, and I am suddenly swimming in freelance work! I'm still in the kiddy pool, but swimming nevertheless. And it's awesome. And because of all of it, I allowed myself to purchase a cute little shirt tonight. It was almost half price AND it matches a summer skirt that I've been having trouble matching. However, it needs a bit of tailoring, so that's going to cost extra. But I quite like. If only I could wear it tomorrow! I hate having to wait.

And my final thought for this evening is: Whose job is it to design fountains? Architects, maybe? Does anyone know?

Total debt: $5564 and a bit
Spent today: $17-ish
Weekly total: $91.97 (Not bad...)

1 comment:

Paronomaniac said...

Fountain design might fall under the responsibility of industrial design, which I know is rather broad. A friend of mine is an industrial designer and such designers do everything from chairs and lamps to magazine and POP stands to iPods.
Said friend is currently kayaking around the Georgian Bay, but I do know someone else, if that helps.

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