Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hey you, wanna buy a watch?

About a year ago, when I was starting to think about packing up my old place, it dawned on me that I could potentially make some money off of some of the things I no longer wanted. I mean, I had some good stuff. During my last job I got oodles of swag on a weekly basis. And when you first start getting a lot of swag, you want to keep it all. But then you start to give some away, because the amount of...stuff just gets overwhelming.

Enter Craigslist.

This is a wonderful invention. Mr. Craig, whoever you are, thank you sincerely!

I started off with some textbooks, including my Chicago Manual. (Forgive me fellow publishing professionals. I never used it. But I promise that I sold it to a good home.) Slowly I progressed to selling off the swag.

And today I earned $40 by selling a pair of designer sunglasses. Frankly, she got a great deal, considering that they sell in the store for $200+, but since I got them for free it was all profit.

(You may be asking yourself, "If this chick has so much 'want' for fancy things, why would she get rid of designer sunglasses?" People, I don't spend more than $12 on sunglasses, because I always sit on them or lose them. It's just not worth the heartache.)

I wish I could be very righteous and tell you all that I immediately put that $40 on my loan, but that would be a lie. Suddenly my budget for the week expanded a bit... I picked up a few extra groceries and we bought some wine and Thai food to celebrate this romantic day.

(I should have rescued my dress from the dry cleaners. Do you ever do that? Drop off a fancy dress that you only wear a couple of times a year, to weddings or dressy parties, and then leave it there for months? I'm so guilty of that. I'm surprised they don't call and tell me to come get my dress already, for Christ's sake!)

My sale today has inspired me to snap some more digital pics and move some more of this stuff on out the door. Lighten my load and my loan at the same time.

Stay tuned for tomorrow. It's that extra payday, so those loan numbers are coming down!

Total debt: $10,500 plus a bit more
Spent today: $30-ish
Weekly total: $114-ish

1 comment:

sweetpea said...

Tammy, sometimes when you come into 'found' money that way the best thing to do is treat yourself!

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