Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Page turning

So, I haven't had much time to read lately.* Shocking, I know! Truth is, most of my reading in the last couple of years has taken place on public transit. And I can count the number of times I've been a guest on the TTC in the past six months on one hand.

(I also have a backlog of roughly 100 magazines to work my way through. Damn magazine obsession!)

I did, however, get a book I requested for Mother's Day — Tina Fey's Bossypants.

I'll admit. I have totally drunk the Tina Fey Kool-Aid. I can't get enough of this smart, funny woman. I want to be her friend, so she can come around for dinner and we can drink just a bit too much wine and have extra pieces of cake and laugh so hard that tea comes out of our noses.

(I also want to sneak up behind her, cut off a lock of her hair, and find some mad scientist who can use the follicles to create a potion that will make me just a tiny bit more like her. Is that so wrong?)

The book was light, amusing and just what I needed. It was also an easy-to-hold-open hardcover, had large-ish font and generous leading, which made it easy to read while nursing. (Well, easy if I didn't mind cranking my head over to one side for 20 minute intervals.) Finishing it felt satisfying, but left me wanting more.

Then, after watching a movie trailer for a new Anne Hathaway film, I was intrigued enough to look up the book the movie is based upon.

And it looked good.

So when I needed to fill out an Amazon order, so I could get free shipping (Damn those evil geniuses!), I picked it up.

It sat on my bedside table, taunting me, for about two weeks. You see, it's a trade paperback with much smaller text and tighter leading, so I could not balance breastfeeding and reading with this one.

Ah, but then we took a trip up north this past weekend. Three hours in the car where the littlest member of the family sleeps like an angel. Uninterrupted reading time! I even brought a flashlight along, so I could read when the sun went down. Then I snuck in some more reading during her naps over the weekend and read most of the way home, too. Add a few more stolen moments this week and I have completely devoured this book.

Don't you LOVE books like that!?! Books that grab you from the first page and make you have to keep reading? Books that have you very close to tears at the end, even though you're sitting in your dentist's office, waiting to get a filling. The writing was engaging and the premise was interesting and the characters weren't caricatures.

In short, I really liked it. I would totally recommend it, especially if you need to take a long plane ride and require entertainment, or something like that. I'm hoping that Hollywood doesn't fuck it up too much.

*A few exceptions: Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs!, In the Garden with Van Gogh and I Am A Bunny.


Unknown said...

I love both of those books! Good choices :)
And I heard about the movie, but hadn't seen the trailer. Annoying voiceover aside, it looks good!

Romina said...

Sigh. I completely hear you on the reduced reading load post-baby. I've also developed crazy motion sickness since having M. so no commute reading for me. I did manage to read a whole novel last week while on a work trip(A visit from the goon sqad by Jennifer Egan), which was beyond satisfying!

Jodie said...

I read One Day last year in Mexico - I absolutely LOVED it!

Carolyn said...

So funny! I just finished reading Bossypants.... literally! My favorite part is her chapter title "How I knew I turned 40 ..." and her response that she always changes out of her pants when she gets home. Let's just say my 30s are the new-Tina-Fey-40s! I think I might write a blog about that!

Erin B said...

LOVED bossy pants!!! Totally gonna read "One Day" thanks to your suggestion. May I suggest: download the Kindle app, and reading books on your phone? That's how I read Bossy Pants, and how I'm reading these days, always have the phone with me, can read in fits and starts, and fits nicely in your hand while nursing.

Tammy said...

I thought I'd discovered some unknown book with "One Day," but apparently everyone already knew about it! For those of you who haven't read it, pick it up!

Romina, I'm putting that Jennifer Egan book at the top of my list now! I'll pick up it before our next trip up north.

Care, I totally have my out-of-the-house clothes and my in-the-house clothes, which is why I panic whenever someone knocks on our door, because inevitably I am not dressed for company. Luckily it's usually just Rachel stopping by with the kids. Although Wylder is probably silently judging my outfits...

Erin, I'll look into that app! Thanks!!

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