Monday, September 28, 2009

Loyal Followers

Out of the blue, I just checked my Google Analytics numbers for this blog. I was pleasantly surprised to see that some of you are doggedly, even religiously perhaps, checking to see if I've updated it. I'm sorry that I've been so lax, but I promise that I will be back again. There are 40 more days until this wedding. Forty days until all the hard work and logistics and willing daydreams into existence will culminate into one day of awesome wedding-ness. And then...

Well, then there will be marriage. And a honeymoon to look forward to in January. And Christmas to celebrate. And the rest of my (fingers crossed) long, long life to share with the masses* on the internet. And share, I will. Promise!

Besides, I can't WAIT to show you all the wedding-y stuff! I just don't want to give it all away before the big day.

So, hang in there! I appreciate your dedication.

*By "masses," I mean the 30-odd people that have perused this blog once or twice.

1 comment:

Ghostface Knittah said...

Yay! Welcome back. And thanks for the heads up on Google Analytics, I had no idea. Totally gonna try that out. See? One post and you've already changed my life!

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