Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 - Day 5

There was a moment this morning when I was faced with a decision.

I was ten steps out the door when I realized that I had forgotten to put my Fitbit back on after my shower. Not only does my Fitbit count my steps, but I also use the accompanying app to log my food. And, based on how many steps I take, my food "allowance" changes, which helps me keep my calories at the right level for the day.

It's a great tool and I find it helps me stay on track.

So, did I turn back?

Sadly, no.

But why? I was still so close!

Alas, I had two small, snowsuited people holding my hands. They were cranky, because Tuesdays seem to always be harder than Mondays in my house. My partner/husband/co-parent was also in attendance, so I could have briefly abandoned the entire family on the sidewalk to dash back, but I was afraid to upset the delicate bit of forward momentum that we had captured.

Things got off-track pretty quickly. Not because I wasn't wearing my Fitbit, but because I have a terrible ALL OR NOTHING mindset. Either I am totally in it to win it or I am eating the chocolate chip banana bread with maple glaze that my new team member brought in. Before 10AM!

So, food wise: Thumb's down. BUT I did get to the gym for a workout, even though I was in a meeting until 12:40pm. So that's a thumb's up.

How do I snap out of that mindset?

1 comment:

Crissy said...

So hard! I would like to say, though, that you're not All or Absolute Nothing. You did a big something, which is go to the gym. (And maybe you also flossed??) So high fives on that. (I have yet to exercise aaaand skipped yoga this morning.)

Have you read Better than Before? (I can't remember...) I think very deliberately going thru the strategies she suggests and choosing ones that work for you might be a good approach. AND my favourite, which I haven't been doing for this round: If/Then planning, so you know how you'll handle things if you forget your Fitbit again. e.g., If you don't have it, you'll jot your food down on a piece of paper (so you're still monitoring), and you'll ballpark your walking based on distance from A to B to C (so you still get the satisfaction of "hey I walked X kilometres today!"). Or switch to your phone's pedometer (if you have one built in there). Or something that makes sense to you — whatever makes it harder for you to use "no Fitbit" as a reason to eat very tasty-sounding treats at work.

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